
Area Structure Plan (ASP)

Town of Pincher Creek


An Area Structure Plan is a framework for guiding future development on an area of land. The Inspiration Area Structure Plan (ASP) is intended to provide a framework for future development on lands within the Town of Pincher Creek; located south of Tumbleweed Lane and west of current development on Crocus Street.

In compliance with the goals and objectives of the Municipal Development Plan, the ASP area will accommodate a residential neighbourhood that is well integrated with the existing neighbourhood and connected to nearby institutional and commercial amenities through a network of trails and open spaces associated with the coulee area.

The Inspiration ASP will become a statutory plan that provides a comprehensive development concept for the lands within the plan area.

Development Concept

The Development Concept has been created using input gathered from consultation with the Town to prepare a design that respects the physical constraints within the plan area and supports existing Town goals and objectives.

  • The road network connects to the current alignment of Livingston Way and Crocus Street on the north and Ken Thornton Boulevard on the east.
  • Access to the southwest portion of the plan area is limited to the country residential parcels along the lower portion of the coulee.
  • The residential layout is intended to provide a variety of housing options including single detached homes, townhouses, multiple-unit dwellings and seniors’ accommodations.
  • Dwellings have been located to take advantage of views of the open space corridor and the internal park areas.
  • Country residential parcels have been located on the lower portion of the lands at the east end of Foxborough Lane. These dwellings are intended to complement the adjacent development.
  • No vehicular access to the upper lands has been provided given the steep sloping conditions adjacent to Pincher Creek.
  • The road network provides a flexible design and minor changes to the local road layout will be allowed as the development proceeds without requiring revisions to this ASP. This provides the opportunity to respond to market demand and the Town’s evolving needs without compromising the integrity of the plan.

Inspiration fuels the process to create new things. It is the stimulus that stirs motivation and action and leads to great accomplishments. The proposed community of Inspiration is born from the creativity and positivity generated from the natural environment and the enthusiasm to create something great!


Have Your Say!


The developer has retained the services of ISL Engineering and Land Services (ISL) to guide the development of the ASP. ISL will be hosting a drop-in open house to hear from landowners and relevant stakeholders in the community and garner feedback on the proposed Development Concept above.

Date: Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Time: 5:00 – 7:00 pm (drop-in)

Location: Town Gymnasium (962 St. John Ave., Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0)

Unable to join us at the drop-in open house? Provide your feedback on the proposed Development Concept and direct your questions to

We apologize that information about this project mistakenly stated that the Town had retained the services of ISL to prepare the Inspiration Area Structure Plan (ASP).

ISL was retained by the Developer, to prepare the ASP and we apologize that the flyers that were delivered to the adjacent neighbourhoods stated otherwise.

We look forward to presenting the proposed development plan on Wednesday November 27, 2024 and we hope you will be able to join us.

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